Fragen der Zeit – Issues of our Time: Maria Stepanova
The Leap
The event will take place at the Literaturhaus and not at the Kunstmuseum Basel.
The discussion will be in Russian with German translation.
In her new book "The Leap", we follow the protagonist M., who, like the author, lives in exile. She is on her way to a literary festival. Once there she gradually gets lost and finds herself in a nameless place. The story unfolds in the summer of 2023, against the backdrop of Russia's ongoing war on Ukraine. The presence of the 'beast' —the war’s instigator— extends however even into exile, haunting M. She grapples with the unsettling question of whether she, too, is part of the beast and how to continue writing when her mother tongue now symbolizes death and destruction. Or does being stranded finally offer her the opportunity to shed her own identity?
In cooperation with the Kunstmuseum Basel
Contributors and biographies
Author: Maria Stepanova
Moderation: Thomas Grob
Translation: Maria Chevrekouko
German Reading: Miriam Japp